Magic in the Age of Unicorns, Sili Valley, my favorite place in the world but also a place (or maybe a state of mind) that has the odd quality of being increasingly revered for abstractions that bear only cursory similarities to reality. Isn’t that always the way of things? Here’s The Guardian analyzing startup culture. The picture in the article is especially amusing to me since my first startup (freshly spun out of XeroX PARC) was housed on Jay street just across 101 from Intel’s Santa Clara campus (just to the right in the picture). In the evening, as traffic jammed up on the freeway, I watched a hawk hunt in the cloverleaf interchange of the Great American Parkway/101 intersection. It was both picturesque and unrelenting in its cruelty. And then, many years later, I would pitch in the executive center of the tall building alongside Revolution Analytics (now gone to Microsoft).

Everything changes so fast, then changes again. If it is a bubble, it is a more beautiful bubble than before, where it isn’t enough to just stand up a website, but there must be unusual change and disruption. Even the unicorns must pop those bubbles.

I will note that I am returning to the startup world in a few weeks. Startup next will, I promise, change everything!… Read the rest

An Exit to a New Beginning

I am thrilled to note that my business partner and I sold our Big Data analytics startup to a large corporation yesterday. I am currently unemployed but start anew doing the same work on Monday.

Thrilled is almost too tame a word. Ecstatic does better describing the mood around here and the excitement we have over having triumphed in Sili Valley. There are many war stories that we’ve been swapping over the last 24 hours, including how we nearly shut down/rebooted at the start of 2012. But now it is over and we have just a bit of cleanup work left to dissolve the existing business structures and a short vacation to attend to.… Read the rest